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Simpson Library Technical Services

Serves as a reference for all Staff.


Pidgin is a 3rd-party program we use to chat with patrons. Unlikely using the LibraryH3lp webchat which works in a browser tab, Pidgin is a standalone piece of software, so it is harder to forget about or accidentally close. 


When you begin your shift at the reference desk ideally Pidgin is already running from the previous staff person using it.  If it is not, double-click on the Pidgin icon on the desktop, or go to Start > All Programs > Pidgin

The Pidgin icon looks like a pigeon, see the image to the left. 

When you start Pidgin is should automatically log you into the correct account, simprefdesk. 

The major difference between the LibraryH3lp webchat interface and Pidgin are the built-in features, like transfers and send file, are not built into Pidgin.  To get these features each message sent to Pidgin will start with a LibraryH3lp "chat management link." See the image below for an overview.  All you have to do is click on the "chat management link" and you will have access to these features.  These features are explained in detail on the Responging To Patron Questions page of this LibGuide. 

Pidgin chat management link

Once Pidgin is running all you need to do is wait for an incoming message. When that happens a flashing message box will pop up. From there all you need to do is greet the patron and begin the reference interview. 

Subject Guide