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Today's Hours:

Simpson Library: Research Help


Research Help

One research

Librarians can help with research questions and inquiries about the library's collections.

  • Visit: Research Desk (Simpson Library, 1st Floor)
  • Email:
  • Call: 540-654-1148
  • Text: 855-266-4542 (Monday - Friday, 10 am - 4 pm)
  • Chat: Library Chat (Monday - Friday, 10 am - 4 pm  | Saturday 12 pm - 6 pm  |  Sunday, 1 pm - 10 pm)

Meet with the librarian who specializes in your area of research!

  • You'll select the date and time that match with the Librarian
  • Once completed, you'll get an email verifying the date, time and location.
    If you choose the virtual meeting you'll get a Zoom link as well

Find Your Research Librarian

  Name and Contact Information   Subjects
Paul Boger picture Paul Boger
Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth and Environmental Science, Geography, Health and Physical Education, MathematicsNursing, Physics

Open Educational Resources (OER)
Peter Catlin photo Peter Catlin
Art and Art History, Historic Preservation, History and American Studies,
October Edwards image October Edwards
Classics, Communication and Digital Studies, English, Linguistics, Modern Languages and Literatures, Philosophy, Religion, Theatre and Dance
Elyse Ridder-Roe profile image Elyse Ridder-Roe
Anthropology, Business, Economics, Education, Music, Political Science and International Affairs, Psychology, Sociology, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Reference Desk Hours

Research Desk Hours



Special Collections & University Archives staff can help with:

  • Digital Collections
  • Digitization and digital projects
  • Special Collections (rare books & serials)
  • University Archives

To learn more or to schedule a visit, email or call 540-654-2045.

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