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Today's Hours:

Simpson Library: Hours and Directions


Hours and Directions




To Simpson Library

Simpson Library is located on the northern end of the Fredericksburg Campus, facing Campus Walk and between Woodard Hall and the Hurley Convergence Center (HCC), close to the Jepson Science Center. From College Avenue, Simpson Library is located behind duPont Hall. Please see the Fredericksburg Campus Map and Directions page for directions to the Fredericksburg Campus.

Parking for Visitors

Accessible parking is available along the side of the Jepson Science Center, accessible via the drive leading to Jepson. Other visitors are encouraged to park in spaces on College Avenue or in the UMW parking deck on Alvey Drive. Please note that parking in all University lots on the Fredericksburg Campus is restricted. The University's Maps and Directions page includes a map of the Fredericksburg campus that indicates which lots allow parking by visitors. Additional information about visitor parking may be found on the UMW Parking Management Office's website.

To Special Collections

Special Collections & University Archives is located on the second floor of Simpson Library in Room 217, immediately in front of the central staircase. Materials from the Collections may only be used in the reading room. If you would like to use specific items during our open hours, it is a good idea to call or email in advance so that we can prepare materials before your visit.

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