This guide is based on a guide created by Jason Puckett at Georgia State University. The original guide, which you can view here, is licensed by Georgia State University Library under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License. Simpson Library thanks Jason for sharing his excellent work.
Caution: Automatically-generated bibliographies may contain errors. If you use Zotero to generate a bibliography, you should proofread the bibliography before you submit it to your professor.
It's easy to create a bibliography from your Zotero library.
Select the references or collections you want to include. (To select multiple items, hold the Control key.) Right-click one of the selected items and choose "Create Bibliography." Then, choose the bibliographic style you want, and select the output format.
Or you can just drag and drop references from Zotero into your document! They'll turn into fully formatted citations. This works with any word processor, including Google Docs. You can choose your style (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.) by going to the Edit menu and selecting "Preferences."
Zotero works with Google Docs! You must have the Zotero Connector installed in Chrome, Firefox or Safari.
Instead of a toolbar with buttons, as in the Word screenshot above, look for the Zotero menu in your Google Docs editor
Zotero offers word processing plugins for Word and OpenOffice. The plugin adds a Zotero toolbar to your word processor that allows you to add citations to your document while you write.
NOTE: In order to use the features in Word, you have to have the Zotero app running in the background.
Installation - Problems:
If you are having trouble getting Zotero to communicate with Microsoft Word, try checking these two items..
Open Zotero:
Installation - Success:
If the the plugins installed properly, you'll see a new tab in Word. Here's what it looks like in Word:
Add Citations:
To add a citation, click the first button ("Add/Edit Citation") on the toolbar. Search for the reference you want to cite and press Enter. Zotero will add the citation at your cursor.
At the end of your paper, click the "Insert Bibliography" button. Your bibliography will appear, and new citations will be added automatically. Change bibliographic styles with the "Document Preferences" button.