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Political Science and International Affairs

International Relations Research

Primary sources - statistical data, reports, studies

Secondary sources  scholarly articles, scholarly books, magazines, newspaper articles


Search on the library website and Google Scholar for books and articles.

Also look at these databases:

Trade Data

Newspapers Databases

Current News

Historical Newspapers

US and International Magazines/Newspapers

US and International Magazines

International Newspapers


Check out more international newspapers on Nexis Uni, separated by country

Use the Search Builder on Factiva to narrow down searches by international newspaper name

Google Scholar

Want to search for articles on Google Scholar?

You are probably going to have to connect to the UMW Library databases.

Watch this video or read the PDF below to find out how:

InterLibrary Loan (ILL)

If you find an item that belongs to another library, you may request to borrow it through InterLibrary loan (ILL).

To find items owned by other libraries, visit WorldCat


To place an InterLibrary loan request, log in to your free Simpson Library ILL Account using your UMW NetID and password.

Citing Your Sources

While writing research papers, you may need to:

 List your sources in bibliographies or works cited, and

♦ Provide either footnotes, endnotes, or parenthetical citations

For more help with citations, check this guide out.