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Finding Books and E-books

Use the Primo search box on the Simpson Library home page to search for books and e-books held by Simpson Library. Choose "Advanced Search", and you can search by title, author, subject, or call number. For a print book, the record will show you the location, call number, and whether it's checked out or on the shelf. For an ebook, the record will offer you one or more links. You will be required to log in using your UMW credentials to access e-books and streaming media.

Primo search box

Call Numbers

When you find a physical book in Primo, write down its call number, and then go to the shelves.

To use call numbers, read them from the top down.

A label on the spine of a book, displaying the call number PR 8875 .P46 1999

For example, here's how you'd find this book:

  • First, follow the alphabet to the PR section of the library, which is part of the larger P section.
  • Next, within the PR section, look in numerical order for 8875.
  • Next, within the books numbered 8875, look in alphabetical and numerical order for .P46.
  • (1999 is the year the book was published.)

Interlibrary Loan

If we don't have the item you are looking for...

Request it via Interlibrary Loan and we will borrow it for you from another institution.
It's free and we do all the work for you!