Chapters in edited books
What they are: Essays by various authors, selected by editors and collected in books.
Remember: if a book is made up of essays, be sure to specify in your citation that you're citing one particular essay, not the entire book!
What they give you: Information about one narrow topic, and (sometimes) citations to other sources.
How to spot them:
- The book has an editor, not an author.
- Different chapters have different authors.
- Each chapter has its own title.
- If there are citations, they are (usually) at the ends of the chapters, not at the end of the book.
What they look like in library search results:
Because this is an edited book, the search result shows the editors' names below the title, where you would normally see authors' names.

To see chapter titles, click on the book title and then scroll down to Details:

What they look like as chapters in e-books:

What they look like in print: