Browse Physics books in the library:
If you find an item that belongs to another library, you may request to borrow it through InterLibrary loan (ILL).
To find items owned by other libraries, visit WorldCat
To place an InterLibrary loan request, log in to your free Simpson Library ILL Account using your UMW username and password.
Use the Primo search box on the Simpson Library home page to search for books and e-books held by Simpson Library. Choose "Advanced Search", and you can search by title, author, subject, or call number. For a print book, the record will show you the location, call number, and whether it's checked out or on the shelf. For an ebook, the record will offer you one or more links. You will be required to log in using your UMW credentials to access e-books and streaming media.
When you find a physical book in Primo, write down its call number, and then go to the shelves. Call numbers tell you where books are shelved. To use call numbers, break them into pieces and read them from the top down.
For example, here's how you'd find this book:
If you find a print book in Primo, scroll to the bottom of the screen, and you will see the Virtual Shelf Browse option.
NOTE: This feature will not list e-books.