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MKTG 301 & 460 Research Help

Online resources to help you research for your team assignment.

Class Handout and Powerpoint:

These databases and/or websites below will help you. The library search and Google Scholar will also help you find scholarly articles.


Public Companies

Use this to search for: 

Harley Davidson, Airbnb, Hermes, Nike, Coca Cola, Starbucks, Hershey, Procter & Gable (use this to also search Old Spice), Best Buy, Boeing, Airbus, Home Depot, Anheuser-Busch (owns Budweiser), Tesco, Carrefour, Merck, Heineken, Jollibee, Yum! (owns KFC), Nestle.

How to search for company information:

  1. Type in a company in the "Find a company" search bar (for ex: Apple)
  2. Click search
  3. Click on the company profile. On the profile, you can find an overview, financial statements, SWOT, competitors, news, etc.

How to search:

  1. Under "Company Search", search for the company of your choosing
    • make sure you have its full name (for ex: Apple's full name is "Apple Inc.")
  2. Click Search
  3. Annual reports are labeled as "10-K", on the bottom right

Private Companies:

These companies are not on One Business/Business Source Complete and do not file with the SEC.


Google Scholar

Want to search for articles on Google Scholar?

You are probably going to have to connect to the UMW Library databases.

Watch this video or read the PDF below to find out how:


Current News

Historical Newspapers

Citing Your Sources

While writing research papers, you may need to:

 List your sources in bibliographies or works cited, and

♦ Provide either footnotes, endnotes, or parenthetical citations

For more help with citations, check this guide out.