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Troubleshooting Database Access

Database Access Troubleshooting Guide

Most of Simpson Library's databases and electronic journals are licensed for use by the current students, faculty, and staff of the University of Mary Washington. To comply with the requirements mandated by the vendors of these commercial services, UMW must authenticate each user by requiring users to log in during each browser session via our proxy server.

When you click on a restricted database or resource on our website or in our catalog, you will be required to enter your Windows Live ID (also called your UMW NetID) username and password (usually, the same username and password used to login to Canvas and other UMW systems).

Report chronic access problems to the Research Desk at 540-654-1148 or Please be specific about the nature of the problem, any error messages you received, and the location of the links you clicked. We will attempt to solve any problems as soon as possible.

If you are unable to access databases or resources from off-campus, access is available via computers at Simpson Library or other on campus locations.