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Historic Preservation: Internet Sources

A research guide to finding books, articles, and other resources in Historic Preservation

Internet Sources

This page lists websites that may be useful for Historic Preservation topics. Some of these websites contain sources you can cite, and some are just starting points (overviews) that give you clues to follow. 


How to Preserve

Free Online Databases

These databases are free online. See also the databases that UMW subscribes to.

Online Periodicals


Career Resources

Subject Guide

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Peter Catlin

Google Tricks

Tips and tricks for Google searches

Use quotation marks for exact words or phrases.

  • For example, “global warming” (to search global warming as a phrase rather than two separate words).

Use OR to search for one word or the other. Google will find pages that match either of the two words.

  • Example: attorneys OR lawyers

Use site: to search within a site or domain (no space after colon).

  • Example: “global warming”
  • Example: climatology

Use a minus sign (a hyphen) to exclude a word or phrase from a search. 

  • Example: jaguar speed -car;
  • Example: “global warming”

Use allintitle: to show results with word(s) in the title (no space after colon).

  • Example: allintitle:“global warming”
  • You can also use allinurl to find pages that have your search terms in their URLs.

Use related: to search for sites similar to ones you know (no space after colon).

  • Example:

Use link: to find sites linked to a particular web page (no space after colon).

  • Example:
  • Example:

 Use filetype: to restrict results to certain file type (no space after colon).

  • Example: climatology filetype:pdf

Use two periods without spaces to search for a number range, such as dates, prices, and measurements.

  • Example: “test scores” 2013..2014
  • Example: microwaves $100..$300

You can also use a Google Advanced Search to construct your search.