Simpson Library uses both Alma and Primo. Primo is the public's UI and is used by students and faculty. Alma is what the library staff use. While I attended University of Mary Washington, I did use Primo and Texas Woman's University also seems to use Primo. However, I had to learn how to use Alma. Alma works as the ILS as it allows checkouts, holds, purchase requests, InterLibrary Loans (ILLs), and acquisitions to name a few. When I was completing some copy cataloging I got to copy and hold the record in OCLC and then it would appear in Alma.
Image of a search on Primo
Image of a search on Primo
Dual screenshot of OCLC and titles in the Receive New Materials tab
Dual screenshot of OCLC and the item that I searched in Alma by the MMS ID
Dual screenshot of OCLC and adding PO line type to create PO line in Alma
Dual screenshot of OCLC and item in Alma
Dual screenshot of OCLC and Receiving New Materials in Alma
Dual screenshot of OCLC and items that have been received and need to be reshelved