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Copy of Simpson Library: Borrowing


Borrowing and Circulation


Visit the Simpson Library Circulation desk for assistance with checkouts and returns, course reserves, interlibrary loan, and more.

Name Title Phone Email
Main Circulation Desk 540-654-1059
Fennell, Liz Evening Circulation Supervisor 540-654-1754
Greeley, Laura Reserves & Library Reading List Supervisor 540-654-1746
Greene, Trish Head of Access Services and Outreach 540-654-1758
Meckley, Andrea Interlibrary Loan Supervisor 540-654-1749
Martin, Kathleen Night Circulation Supervisor 540-654-1750


Borrowing Policies

Item Type Loan Period Renewals Overdue Fines Presumed Lost or Damaged Material Fees/Fines
Books (including Popular Reading) 35 days or end of semester 3 allowed Billed for item at 30 days overdue $75 or actual replacement value if greater
Interlibrary Loan Items Set by lending institution Set by lending institution $3 per day. No maximum Set by lending institution
DVDs 7 days 3 allowed Billed for item at 7 days overdue $75 or actual replacement value if greater
Reserves Varies; 2 hours+ None. Items may be checked out again if no one else is waiting. $1 per hour for hourly reserves
$1 per day for 3+ day reserves
$75 or actual replacement value if greater
Equipment 7 days None $5 per day. No maximum Actual replacement value
Recalled Items Email specifies new due date None $3 per day. No maximum $75 or actual replacement value if greater

Checkout and Renewals

See Library Account and Renewals.

Overdue Items

Courtesy reminders that list overdue items are sent when possible. The patron’s account is automatically blocked after the fourth notice, and no further circulation transactions can take place until these items are returned. Telephone and/or Internet renewal may not be possible once an account is blocked. A minimum charge of $75 for replacement for each item is placed on the patron’s account when items are 30 days overdue or at the end of the semester. Many library items no longer accrue overdue fines. However, reserve items, interlibrary loan items, recalled items and electronic equipment will accrue overdue charges.


A recall may be placed on material that is currently checked-out with the exception of Course Reserves and Electronic Equipment. A recall may be placed remotely through the Library’s catalog or contacting the Circulation Desk. If you need assistance placing a recall, visit or call the Simpson Library Circulation Desk.
A recall generates a notice that informs the current borrower that another borrower has requested the item. The due date does not change and the item cannot be renewed. Items that are recalled to be placed on Course Reserves will have an immediate due date.
Late charges on overdue recalled materials accrue at the rate of $3.00 per day, per item.

Late Fees

See Borrowing Periods overview.

Lost or Damaged Items

The minimum charge for a lost item is $75. Some items are loaned to us from other institutions and other replacement charges may apply. Some DVDs and all electronic equipment have specific replacement charges depending on the cost of the items. The lost item charge will be refunded if the item is found and returned in good condition within 60 days of the billing date. Underlining and highlighting text will result in damage fees.


Charges for lost or damaged items are assessed on a case-by-case basis. Replacement copies of lost items or items damaged beyond repair may be accepted in lieu of payment on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Head of Access Services and Outreach for more information at 540-654-1125 about replacing a lost or damaged item.

Appeal Policy For Library Charges

Most disagreements concerning Library charges can be resolved by consulting with a Circulation Supervisor. Students can fill out a Request for Waiver of Charges form to dispute fines on their account. Paper copies of the form are also available at the Circulation Desk. Users have 60 days from the date the charges were incurred within which to file this written appeal and are advised to come forward as soon as possible so that information pertinent to the appeal is still available.
Library charges that are eligible for appeal may be waived as a one-time courtesy for patrons. This waiver can be used only once during the patron’s affiliation with the University. The decision will be sent to the user via e-mail within 30 days of the date of the appeal.

The following are NOT considered reasons on which an appeal can be based:

  • Interlibrary loan charges.
  • Processing charges.
  • Fees incurred for damage.
  • Replacement fees for lost items*.
  • Charges which have been transferred to a student’s University account or an external agency for collection.

*Patrons who are charged replacement fees for lost items may have those replacement fees refunded to them if they find the items and return them in good condition within 60 days from the billing date. After items are returned in good condition to the library, a clearance letter may be sent the student’s University account.

If, after filing the appeals form, no satisfactory resolution is reached, the matter may be taken to the University Librarian. The user may set up an appointment to meet with the University Librarian to explain the reasons for the appeal. Appointments can be made by contacting the University Librarian’s Administrative Assistant at 540-654-1147 or by sending an email to The decision made between the user and the Library is final and binding.

Current Faculty & Staff*

Item Type Loan Period Renewals Presumed Lost or Damaged Material Fees/Fines
Books (excluding Popular Reading) 180 days 3 allowed Contact Head of Access Services and Outreach
Adjunct faculty 180 days 3 allowed Contact Head of Access Services and Outreach
Popular Reading 35 days 3 allowed Contact Head of Access Services and Outreach
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Items Set by lending institution Set by lending institution Contact Head of Access Services and Outreach
DVDs 7 days 3 allowed Contact Head of Access Services and Outreach
Reserves Varies; 2 hours+ None. Items may be checked out again if no one else is waiting. Contact Head of Access Services and Outreach
Equipment 7 days None Contact Head of Access Services and Outreach
Recalled Items Email specifies new due date None Contact Head of Access Services and Outreach

*Secondary cardholders and retired faculty and staff: Limit of 5 items checked out

Loan Periods

Materials designated as Reference, Current Periodicals, Archives, or Rare Books do not circulate. All materials are due immediately on termination of employment, even if the due date has not been reached.

Checkout and Renewals

See Library Account and Renewals.

Overdue Items

Courtesy reminders that list overdue items are sent when possible. The patron’s account is automatically blocked after the fourth notice, and no further circulation transactions can take place until these items are returned. Telephone and/or Internet renewal may not be possible once an account is blocked.


A recall may be placed on material that is currently checked-out with the exception of Course Reserve and Electronic Equipment. A recall may be placed remotely through the Library’s catalog or contacting the Circulation Desk. If you need assistance placing a recall, visit or call the Simpson Library Circulation Desk.
A recall generates a notice that informs the current borrower that another borrower has requested the item. The recalled item cannot be renewed. Items that are recalled to be placed on Course Reserves will have an immediate due date.


Charges for lost or damaged items are assessed on a case-by-case basis. Replacement copies of lost items or items damaged beyond repair may be accepted in lieu of payment on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Head of Access Services and Outreach for more information at 540-654-1125 about replacing a lost or damaged item.

Photocopying & Printing

Faculty and Staff may print and copy using cash and coins, personal funds loaded onto EagleOne, or 5-digit departmental copy codes.


Faculty/staff members may authorize others to conduct library transactions on their behalf. Please see the Proxy Designation Form for more information and to authorize a proxy.

Secondary Cards

Faculty/staff members may contact the Office of Human Resources to authorize a UMW ID card for one secondary person. This person is commonly a spouse or partner. Secondary Card holders have most of the same privileges as students and are subject to the same policies, including late charges and processing fees. Secondary Card holders are not entitled to Interlibrary Loan or Document Delivery services and are not allowed to place holds or recalls on materials that are checked-out.
The faculty/staff member’s library record and the Secondary Card holder’s record will be linked. If one record is blocked for overdue materials or excessive charges, the other record will also be blocked. Abuse of library services will result in the termination of privileges.

Item Type Loan Period Renewals Maximum # Items Overdue Fines Presumed Lost or Damaged Material Fees/Fines
Books 35 days or end of semester 3 allowed 5 total (Books + DVDs) Billed for item at 30 days overdue $75 or actual replacement value if greater
Interlibrary Loans Loans not allowed
DVDs 7 days 3 allowed 5 total (Books + DVDs) Billed for item at 7 days overdue $75 or actual replacement value if greater
Reserves Loans not allowed
Equipment Loans not allowed
Recalled Items Email specifies new due date None   $3 per day. No maximum $75 or actual replacement value if greater

UMW Libraries are open to the public. See our Computer Use policy for more information about use of the guest computers in Simpson Library. Guest Internet access is also available via the “UMW Guest” wireless network.

Alumni & Guest Patron Privileges

UMW Libraries materials may be checked out to Alumni or individuals who are not affiliated with the University if they possess a valid UMW Libraries Guest Patron card. (Alumni are eligible to receive this card at a discounted rate.) Alumni and other Guest Patrons may borrow up to 5 items at a time from the libraries’ circulating collection. The loan period for books is 35 days. Alumni and other Guest Patrons may also borrow DVDs; the loan period for DVDs is 7 days.

Microforms, current periodicals, reserve materials, electronic equipment and materials in the reference collection cannot be checked out by Alumni or other Guest Patrons. UMW Alumni and other Guest Patrons are not entitled to Interlibrary Loan service, Document Delivery services, entry into Simpson Library for study hall hours, or off-campus database access.

Materials from the regular circulating collection may be renewed three times without returning them to the UMW Libraries. Renewal may be done online by accessing your Library Account through the UMW Libraries website. This will allow you to view everything that you have checked out, see when they are due, and renew them. You may also come into Simpson Library and present a valid UMW Libraries Guest Patron card at the Circulation Desk to have your items renewed, call the Circulation Desk at 540-654-1125, or email Circulation at

Materials may not be renewed until 14 days prior to their due date. If the renewal option does not appear or you have any issues with your Library account, contact the Simpson Library Circulation Desk at 540-654-1125.

Materials that are needed past the third renewal due date may be checked out again, but must be brought to the Libraries for processing. Items that have been requested by another user cannot be renewed.

UMW Alumni and other Guest Patrons cannot place recalls or holds on items that are checked out.

How to obtain a Guest Patron card

A valid photo ID and a completed Library application for Guest Patron cards must be made at the Simpson Library Circulation Desk. If the valid photo ID is from any state other than Virginia, additional proof of mailing address will be required. (Please ask a library staff member for further details.) Upon satisfactory completion of the application and a payment (cash or check) of $25.00, a library card will be authorized for residents of Virginia who are eighteen years of age or over. If paying with cash, please have exact change. Payment will not be refunded for any reason.

A UMW Libraries Guest Patron card is valid for one year from the date of application and is not transferable. The cardholder is responsible for all materials circulated on this card as well as any charges that are incurred. It is further understood that materials loaned are for the personal use of the borrower.

Alumni Information

Alumni may become Guest Patrons of the Libraries at a discounted rate by verifying they are UMW Alumni and providing a valid photo ID to Simpson Library. Upon satisfactory completion of the library application and a payment (cash or check) of $15.00, alumni will have Guest Patron library privileges. UMW Alumni are able to receive an Alumni ID card through the Office of Alumni Relations. While this Alumni ID Card may be used in place of a separate Guest Patron card, the $15 discounted annual Guest Patron Card fee still applies.*** Alumni ID Card is not needed at time of registration. ***

Alumni Guest Patron status is valid for one year from the date of application. The cardholder is responsible for all materials circulated on this card as well as any charges that are incurred. It is further understood that materials loaned are for the personal use of the borrower.

High School Students

High school teachers who bring their students on field trips to Simpson Library may request free Guest Patron cards. These cards are issued with the teacher’s name and contact information. Teachers may use these cards to check out an unlimited number of books for their students’ use. Guest Patron cards issued for high school field trips expire in May, at the end of UMW’s school year.

VIVA Cooperative Borrowing Program Information

The University of Mary Washington Libraries participate in the Virtual Library of Virginia Cooperative Borrowing Program. The Cooperative Borrowing Program allows students, faculty, and staff at VIVA institutions to request to borrow materials on-site from any participating library. UMW Libraries offer Guest Patron cards to qualifying members. To apply, fill out a Guest Patron application at the Circulation Desk and present a valid form of photo identification (such as an unexpired State issued Driver’s License), as well as proof of current institutional status (an unexpired institutional ID and proof of enrollment) in order to borrow materials. Visit the VIVA Cooperative Borrowing Program website for more information and a list of VIVA Member institutions and their status in this program.



A valid EagleOne ID, Alumni Card or Guest Borrowing Card is required for check-out. Materials designated as Reference, Microform, Current Periodicals, Archives, or Rare Books do not circulate. For loan periods and fines for circulating items, view the borrowing policies above.

Library Account & Renewals

Materials from the regular circulating collection may be renewed three times without returning them to Simpson Library. Renewal may be done online by accessing your Library Account through the library's website. This will allow you to view everything that you have checked out, see when they are due, and renew them. You may also come into Simpson Library and present your EagleOne ID, Alumni Card, or Guest Borrowing Card at the Circulation Desk to have your items renewed, call the Circulation Desk at 540-654-1125, or email Circulation at

Materials may not be renewed until 14 days prior to their due date. If the renewal option does not appear or you have any issues with your Library account, contact Simpson Library Circulation Desk at 540-654-1125.

Materials that are needed past the third renewal due date may be checked out again, but must be brought to the library for processing. Items that have been requested by another user cannot be renewed.

Materials on Course Reserve may not be renewed, but may be checked out again provided no one else is waiting for the material.

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