The H Index is a way of calculating a researcher's scholarly impact based on the number of paper they have published and the number of times those papers have been cited. Your H-Index will vary depending on what tool you use to calculate it because citation tools have different rules around what publications are included in the calculation.
NOTE: Google Scholar author profiles are currently the easiest way to generate an H-Index for your publications. After creating your profile, you must connect your publications for this to work.
In order to be recognized for all your research and creative endeavors, you do not want to be confused with any other individuals. One solution is to standardize your author identity by creating an official author profile with ORCID or Google Scholar.
Google Scholar profiles provide a simple way for authors to showcase their academic publications. You can check who is citing your work and follow several citation metrics. You can also make your profile public, so that it appears in Google Scholar results whenever someone searches for your name.
ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier for authors that you own and control, and distinguishes you from every other researcher. You can connect your digital ID with your professional information - affiliations, grants, publications, and more. You can use your ORCID ID to share your information with other systems, ensuring you get recognition for all your contributions, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors.